These are the basics of the Light Spring season.
Temperature: Warm, primarily
Value: Light
Chroma: Clear
Sister Season: Light Summer
Best Colors: Camel, most Yellows, Light Lime Green, Peach.
Worst Colors: Black, Burgundy, Dark Plum, dark muted colors.
The Light Spring is a blend of both Spring and Summer (or Spring “flowing into” Summer). Due to the blend of both warm and cool seasons, there will be a neutrality to your look, particularly when compared to the warm spring.
As the name says, keep colors light. Avoid dark and dusty colors.
Very dark colors will drain the color from your face and may make you look pale and tired.
Despite being light in value, their best colors are still clear and somewhat bright.
If you haven't noticed yet, many images I use on this site are marked "ColorBreeze Art". This is part of my new artwork and visuals I have created with the help of AI, among other digital photo software. I will be slowly adding more images over time. Here are some for this season. Please share on Pinterest if you like them!
Stay tuned for more examples...
More fashion looks can be found for the Light Spring season on my Pinterest Page.
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