The Cool Summer

ColorBreeze Art - Cool Summer

Main things to know about the Cool Summer:

Temperature: Cool

Value: Medium to Medium Light

Chroma: Soft

Sister Season: Cool Winter

Best colors: Pastel Blue (full range of blues, actually), Powder Pink, Grey (most shades of Grey), most Berry colors, Soft Fuchsia, Navy

Worst Colors: Golden yellow, orange, golden brown, warm olive green.

This season's palette is, of course, all cool. The colors will be soft, avoiding most bright colors usually. However, the Cool Summer flows into the Cool Winter. So it is not uncommon to be able to share some of the cool winter colors like orchid and true blue.

TIPS: Keep your browns cool like cocoa and grey is always a good neutral for you.

Black will be too overpowering but a soft charcoal or navy is a good alternative.

For makeup, you can create a neutral look by using taupe, grey, and even cool brown eyeshadows. Charcoal is a better choice for eye pencil than black and if you have blue eyes, navy liner will help make your eyes look even bluer.

All sorts of berry and rose shades are good for both lip and cheek color.

You may have noticed that many images I use on this site are marked "ColorBreeze Art". This is part of my new artwork and visuals I have created with the help of AI, among other digital photo software. I will be slowly adding more images over time. Here are some for this season. Please share on Pinterest if you like them! 

More examples of the Cool Summer

Cool Summer in blue shirt and navy blouse
Cool Summer woman wearing baby blue top.
Cool Summer woman with the Smokey Mountain in the background.
Cool Summer who is starting to grey.

Stay tuned for more seasonal examples...

Below are some wardrobe looks for the Cool Summer. 

Cool Summer polyvore 1
Coo Summer Season Roses Polyvore

You can see more looks on my Pinterest page for Cool Summers

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