My first time...

by Martine
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)


When I was 16 years old (40 years ago!), my mother treated my grand-mother and I to an in-person color analysis session at the Colours store (in the Montreal area).

It was so much fun! The stylist - a beautiful clear winter - was wearing her right colors and she looked dazzling. She served us a glass of champagne. She draped us, determined our season and then applied makeup in our colors. We were also given an elegant color swatch. I still have it! (See attached.)

I am a smokey soft autumn... although, back then, because there were only 4 seasons, I was deemed a summer. The cool medium browns and pewter, in my old color swatch, didn't look bad on me but the pastels washed my face out and did not enhance my warm hazel eyes.

You can imagine my suprise and delight when Lora (re-) analysed me as a soft autumn! It made so much sense. I think about "my" colors every day. Color analysis has changed my life.

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