How to Wear Red

Redhead in a sleeveless warm red dress.

Let’s talk about how to wear red according to your season.

Did you know that pure red is actually a color anyone can wear, regardless of your season? In fact, I include pure red in each of my swatches. I will explain why, but first, let’s talk about the color red in general.

Red has long been connected with strong emotions—it demands attention. Whether it’s a red dress, red lipstick, or even a pair of red shoes, people are bound to take notice. If your goal is not to stand out, using red in small doses is best.

Studies show that red can evoke some powerful feelings - confidence, strength, lust, power, love.  It’s a color that makes a statement, so it’s often chosen for special occasions, such as a romantic date. You wear it when you want to stand out or feel empowered.

But red can also be a great option for everyday wear when styled thoughtfully. Find a shade of red that harmonizes with your basic undertone.

Isn't Red a Warm Color?

For our purposes in color analysis, where undertones are everything, I consider red a ‘neutral’ color. Now, I mean neutral in temperature only.

For our purposes in color analysis, where undertones are everything, I consider red a ‘neutral’ color. Now, I mean neutral in temperature only. The term neutral is sometimes used in color analysis to mean neither warm nor cool.

But it is a term used most often to mean a color that is not saturated, like grey, taupe, brown, etc.  And most reds do not fit that definition.

Yes, I know that most people say red is a warm color. But think about it. There are three primary colors from which every other color in the world is made (plus white and black).

Blue, red, and yellow paint pouring out of can.

Blue is cool. Yellow is warm.

A color becomes cooler when blue is added to it. A color becomes warmer when you add yellow to it. Red has neither.

So, adding a touch of yellow to red makes it a warm red. Add a touch of blue to red and it becomes a cool red.

So, I say that everyone can wear true red. This is why I included “True Red” as a color in almost every swatch. True Red has little to no yellow or blue.

The trouble is, they are hard to find in real life when you shop.

Personally, I rarely find a red that works for me.  As a Warm Autumn, the reds are either too cool or too deep.  And if I do find a warm red, it’s way too bright for me.

So finding a True Red when shopping can be challenging. But if you can find it, wear it. It will look great on you.

Aside from the elusive True Red, most other shades of red will have many variations. Depending on the amount of yellow or blue, it can have different undertones, values and chroma like every other color. 

If you know your season, it makes finding the best red for you much easier. 

The best red for Winters and Autumns


Choose True Red or cool, clear reds. 

Winters are the seasons that that can handle the boldest, most provocative reds. 

Specifically, Deep Winters can handle both bright and dark reds best; Cool and Clear Winters handle the bright reds best. 

Winters (or Summers)  who have a touch of warmth to them, like the Toasted or Deep Winters (or Sunlit or Toasted Summers), should find their touch of warmth in other places instead of their reds. Blush, eyeshadow or some gold jewelry will be enough warmth for them. Getting your Red undertone correct is important or it can throw off your entire look.


Choose True Red or warm muted reds.  Look for shades like tomato red, warm scarlet, or rich coral.

Even if you find a great true Pure Red, make sure it is not too bright. All Autumns benefit from having a muted quality to their reds.

The lighter Soft Autumns should avoid anything too dark, of course.

Deep Autumns can go pretty deep with their reds.

A summer and a Spring woman in their best red dress.


Choose True Red or cool, muted reds. 

A softer, powder-like quality or a rich berry shade will look great on all Summers.

All Summers should avoid anything too bright, as well as anything too dark. 

Shades that are too dark will not harmonize with their delicate coloring, even for the deepest summers. It will weigh Summers down and not let their beautiful coloring take center stage. 


Choose True Red or warm, clear reds. 

Springs are the opposite of Summer, as they need  warm reds that are light and relatively bright. 

Springs are the lightest-value seasons and anything dark and heavy will obliterate their effervescent coloring. 

Shine is great for Springs. Even the Soft Springs can handle a fair amount. Clear Springs can handle the most intense shine.

Light Springs may need shades a touch lighter to avoid being too overpowering since red is such a strong color. 

To illustrate the differences in reds further, I like to use examples from nature. And what is better than fruit? :)

Different red fruits like cherries and tomatoes

How to Wear Red Lipsticks

Three red lipsticks. One warm, true, and cool.

Regarding red lipstick colors, follow the same advice above!

Winters should be cool and clear. They can handle lots of shine. 

Summers should be cool and muted. They cannot handle shine like Winters can. A little shimmer is ok. 

For Springs specifically, it is wise to find a warm red that is a sheer lipstick formula or just use lip gloss. Gloss will provide a strong color but not heavy, and with the shimmer you need.

Autumns always do best with rich, earthy reds. Shine should be kept to a minimum but some shimmer is ok. 

decorative cherry and tomato divider

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